Housing Policy Conference
November 19, 2020 • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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On Thursday, November 19th, BIA hosted its Annual Southern California Housing Policy Conference. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the event was held virtually. Speakers on our five panels discussed what current issues the housing market is facing.
The Building Industry Association of Southern California (BIASC) has created the BIASC Academy of Home Building Education. The new program will provide online educational services to help keep its members informed and up-to-date on how to best adapt to the continually changing circumstances impacting the industry.
While the coronavirus has helped build anxiety over public health and the economy, it has also dampened the construction and building industry.
The construction industry did catch some luck in being deemed “essential”, but the pandemic did toss a wrench into the works. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the April unemployment rate of 16.6% for the industry was more than triple what it was at the beginning of 2020.
One of the most significant, and perhaps surprising, impacts of COVID-19 is that a large number of Americans plan to move residences.
As part of the growing effort to stop and delay implementation of the state of California’s Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) regulations, numerous elected officials and governmental bodies have joined with the Building Industry Association of Southern California (BIASC) in asking Governor Gavin Newsom to delay the state’s July 1 VMT implementation date.
The Building Industry Association of Southern California (BIASC) is celebrating the first anniversary of its highly successful New Homes Showcase. The online showcase has become a valuable and authoritative resource for the building industry by directly engaging consumers with the latest builder communities without the intermediation of third-party websites.
As residents and businesses find themselves dealing with the impacts of a historic public health and economic crisis, the Southern California Association of Governments is preparing to move forward with a new long-range transportation and housing plan, which will have a substantial impact on Southern California communities over the next 25 years.
STAY UP TO DATE ON THE LATEST COVID-19 CITY POLICIES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. Click here to see the BIA Jurisdiction Precaution Measure List.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has announced it has run out of funding to process any more small business loans through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (EIDL) that were created under the CARES Act.
This April’s National New Homes Month arrives with some welcome news for homebuyers as well as all Baldy View region residents.