Why Is The BIASC PAC Important?
The Building Industry Association of Southern California, Inc. Political Action Committee (BIASC PAC) is one of the largest and most active local building industry PACs in California. The BIASC PAC's mission is to identify, educate and support candidates for elected office who maintain integrity and have an understanding of the building industry and recognize its contributions to the health of the overall economy.
The organization supports candidates knowledgeable and supportive of the building industry in their election efforts to various seats including city councils, county supervisors, state legislators, water boards and school boards. These industry-friendly officials then serve on regional boards in appointed positions such as SCAG, AQMD, RWQCB's, etc., where they make policy decisions that impact the building industry.
Good business-friendly public policy starts with electing good people to seats at all levels of local, regional and state government. Supporting good candidates helps facilitate favorable policy outcomes.
The BIASC PAC works hard to keep its members abreast of the latest issues that affect their ability to build homes in Southern California, and your support of the PAC directly supports these outcomes. You directly support the building industry through support of the BIASC PAC.